Sunday 7 March 2010


So i wanted to get into the swing of blogging, [not that i really did before]
and what better way than with cupcakes :)

I was on twitter and saw that Milly:
Blog- [she does brilliant blogs]

Twitter name - pinkpixidoll

posted a new blog on some gorgeous cupcakes she had made.
i instantly wanted to try and make them.

she very kindly gave me the recipe for the cakes.
they were easy to make, and taste sooo good :), quite fool proof.

The making of...
[Excuse awful quality,]
The final turn out :)
[taken on a fancy pancy camera, and edited]

So thank you Milly for the recipe i will deffinalty be making more of these very soon!

hopefully you will here alot more from me :)

Take care :)x